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Historien om henrik den underlige

the story of Henry and the speaking surfboard once was small henrik out and had to get cola, but then he was stopped by the mane of salt poured salt on his watermelon and screamed and ran away, and so was little henrik sad, so he took a surfboard and surfed on the city take when he drank a self lights green lemonade that could jump and so he got it much better than he ever had it before and therefore he chose so that he would take a dish with peppers and shit all over and it could be small henrik unfortunately not tolerate because that shit all over I said SHIT OVER THE ENTIRE SMALL HENRIK HEAR YOU ALL FOR SMALL HENRIK I talk TO YOU NOW HEAR YOU AFTER YOU HAVE BEEN a slap in YOUR EYES SO YOU CAN LEARN THE dank HENRIK PIG and it was henriks surfboard who spoke to him and he was not happy so he took his luminous green lemonade and smadrere surfboard BUT IT WENT AMOK OMFG RUN FOR YOUR FUCKING LIFE OF HENRIK WTHATTAFARGGGG OMFGGGG RUUUN BITCH RUUUUNN OR ELSE THE Bogey COOKIE MONSTER GONNE GET YUUUU LOLOOOOLOOLOLLOLFASFSDFSDFDSD WHY STAPLER YOU YOUR HAIR FAST FOR A BOARD HENRIK WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU and then died surf board and so was henrik bothered because his surfboard not talked to him more like normal surfrbræts not do because it would be weird not also of course it would but it would not be just as weird as a gorilla in a helicopter who eat snickers with 3-star sausage on why are you reading still this seriously you might be crazy I think it not also henrik "JO" see who said henrik even if you read further you have a great chance for cancer reach but then went henrik a walk and so he chose to walk on a lake where he found atlantis and so he went and thought OMFG wtf is this and he would smash the whole thing because it resembled Such a sand castle that is in a sandbox oloolo funniiiiii ok thx but then smashed him everything and it was good, but the sea-folk of atlantis were angry but they were not so no and so he flew up somewhere and started his own restaurant up in heaven where the angels came and ate djævlekød with 3-star ass shit fuck round lolololololo ahahaha henrik where are you kidding no wait you're not your ugly brat with Slask fucking shit out of the mouths okay? ok it was good we got it right reach but then went henrik up there and thought OMFGGG WTF AM I DOING OLOOL and then he lit fire in the restaurant and the angels were very sad because fucking wallpaper paste took over the flames and they could not eat more mold salt and pepper, red sausage so they were demons and so was henrik angry with himself because he forgot that his stove had spilled oil over the whole "I'll just rape" he said to the demons and they waved goodbye to him while they ate the remains of the flying restauranttaurant oppe i himlen hvor englene kom og spiste djævlekød med 3-stjernet røv lort fuck omg lolololololo ahahaha henrik hvor er du sjov nej vent det er du ikke din grimme snotunge med fucking slask lort ud af munde okay? ok det var godt vi fik det på plads nå men så gik henrik derop og tænkte OMFGGG WTF AM I DOING OLOOL og så tændte han ild i restauranten og englene blev meget kede af det fordi fucking tapetklister overtog flammerne og så kunne de ikke spise mere skimmelsvamp salt og peber og rød pølse så de blev dæmoner og så blev henrik vred på sig selv fordi han glemte at hans komfur havde spilt olie over det hele "jeg skal lige rape" sagde han til dæmonerne og de vinkede farvel til ham mens de åd resterne af den flyvende restaurant hey look black text, that's pretty cool

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